John Mayer appreciation post.

I feel like I have listened to so much John Mayer music, since middle school that these days I feel like we’re old friends. Honestly, when ever his voice comes humming through my headphones or speakers it sounds like a familiar friend. I’m guessing that probably half the universe feels this way at some point, and though I’d like to think maybe we made eye contact when I was a few rows away from him as he rocked out on stage in Tampa, that even though I might feel this great connection – he has no idea who I am. And that my dears, is reality. But isn’t that why a lot of people make music? To share their talents, their creations, to connect? In these ways he’s a brilliant artist. I didn’t write the words, but I feel like I sympathize with the frustration of the ‘real world,’ have been in the boat of being “safe til St.Patrick’s Day,” share the “split screen sadness,” am tempted to skip my exit “and keep the car in drive, and leave it all behind.” Sometimes, I leave the camera behind and “see the world through both my eyes,” feel like “half of my heart won’t do” but where’s the other half? And on and on and on…relatable, ever-changing, just like life. Sometimes, we’re in love or we’re in the midst of an undeniable infatuation. Sometimes, we’re just stringing ourselves along to make it through each excruciatingly difficult moment, but reminding ourselves “the heart of life is good.” I feel like we’ve seen Mayer grow up over the years, some of us growing up at the same time, evolving, changing, becoming who we are. There’s always a song for whatever stage we’re in…You know, I saw a clip from the interview he did with CNN right before he released his latest album, “Born and Raised.” He talked about how, he’s doing what he always should’ve been doing…just living in Montana being a singer song writer. You know he sold his places in LA and New York? I have to wonder how he got there. I mean, I know he was taking a break from the interviews, from his spew of emotions across the internet, getting away from his rampant Tweets and tumblr posts, and avoiding his mouth getting him in trouble (makes me think of ‘My Stupid Mouth’ – “got me in trouble, I’ve said too much again…”) But over the past few days, I can’t stop thinking about it. Was it like Baz Luhrman said:

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard;
live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

I wish we could sit and chat about these things. Not because I’m nosy, but I feel like I know him. Which of course in itself is probably crazy, but whatever. Before I saw him, in Tampa my senior year (of college,) close enough to take photos (I’ve included a few below,) and see the elaborate expression cross his face as he held his guitar like someone he loves, a best friend – I’d seen him at the amphitheater in Tampa. An outdoor venue. JD and I had lawn tickets. Some people might scoff at this, but I love that lawn. It started down pouring. Ben Folds had just played a Postal Service cover, and here comes John in the pouring rain. We were drenched, our toes curled in the muddy earth as we danced around to one of our favorite artists. So, I mean – not only has he given us the music to connect to all these years, (I used to fall asleep every night, for weeks at a time listening to “Room for Squares” in middle school. My mom and I had two copies of this album, so we could listen to it in separate cars. Or I could leave it in my CD player,) but he’s also been instrumental to the creation of such fabulous memories.

So you know, even though I have my insane prying wondering, and we’re no longer privy to such outlets he used for the extra inner-workings of his mind – I’m so thankful for the music. It gave me something to be excited about, in a way I hadn’t been in a while. The anticipation of this album’s release. Driving to the store to pick it up. Ripping off the pesky plastic wrapper. Blaring it in my kitchen while I cooked. Listening through three times the first night, and probably four last night while I ate dinner and packed. It’s different, in a totally good way. A friend and I were just conversing about this on Instagram yesterday. Where would the fun be, if everything he made sounded the same? I love how he experiments with his style, but you know it’s still his work.

There’s not a real point to this, other than I’ve just been thinking about him as a person and as an artist and musician a lot this week, and I’ve been listening to his album non-stop and I just wanted to get some of the thoughts out there. Are you a John Mayer fan? Have you seen him live? (He falls in that same category as DCFC for me, where I would gladly see him in concert any opportunity I had!)

Fill in the Blank Friday

Last week’s “Fill in the Blank Friday” post was a bit of a downer, which is why I skipped over it. Today though? Donuts and a burst of yellow in the photo? And questions about fun happy things? I’ll take it! Again this is from the great The Little Things We Do blog over on Blogspot.

1.  Something that is very near and dear to my heart is: my family. Sure this might be a lot of people’s answers, but all our families are different so no two answers would be the same. Mine is made up of some of my favorite people on the planet, who happen to be kind, awesome, great advice givers, supportive and some of my best friends…

2.  Today: is finally Friday woohoo! I don’t even know what the post work day has in store, but it means that I’ve have hours ahead of me to spend however I want. TGIF for sure.

3.  The most fun I ever had was: oh boy, I’ve only been around twenty-four years and still this is a really difficult question. How do they expect you to narrow that down? Mmm our family roadtrip to Georgia, Alabama, and North Carolina a few summers ago was really fun. Particular nights that stand out in my memory of college are: an ABC date function (in Transformers pillow case dresses), Jacki’s 21st Birthday 80s Waltz night, (which included a fountain adventure…) A trip to Seaworld the summer after senior year was cool. Basically every single day of study abroad experience. (Or any vacation for that matter.) In high school, some of our “hurricane days” junior year, were some of my favorite. Movie nights, baking, mini-trips to Ocala. The weekend of the Next Big Thing concert and smores and middle of the night neighborhood walks. The last day of senior year – photo class, going out on the boat etc. Mmm basically any of my favorite concerts with best friends – Jack’s Mannequin (and meeting Andrew McMahon!), Death Cab for Cutie, John Mayer, Better than Ezra, Something Corporate, Dashboard Confessional etc. The Passion conference I went to in 2010 was definitely another most fun/intense experience so far. Luckily there are a lot of fun days in mind that I can’t narrow down and I think that’s a great thing.

4.  True friends are  the ones you can share comfortable silence one. The ones who get you when others don’t. They don’t always have the words to say but they’ll sit with you and listen. The ones who put a smile on your face, or can get a laugh out of you even when there are tears streaming down your cheeks. The ones who you can pick up with right where you left off, as if no time had passed between hang out sessions.

5. Something that makes me terribly happy is   adventures and traveling. When I have time at my hands to do whatever I want – creating and exploring.

6. A good way to spend a sunny day is   on the beach with your favorite people, soaking up sun. Maybe some cold beer or a sweet treat. Reading a book, swimming, bike rides.
7.  My favorite celebratory food is   mmm fancy cupcakes? An icecream sundae? Froyo creations? I love sweets!