Liebster Award Dos

I know, I have failed to deliver the NYC pics so far but they are coming, no worries I haven’t forgotten. In other news, it seems the Liebster Award strikes again. My friend and sorority sister Jacki over at Wine Down has nominated me, along with some other cool Phi Mu blogs you should check out! This one has a little bit of a spin on it, where you also include five random facts about yourself, so I figured – why not?

In case you missed the other post, the Liebster Blog Award is for bloggers with 200 or less followers. Here is how it works:

1. Choose five up and coming blogs to give the award to, must have 200 or less followers.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. List the blogs you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
5. Share five random facts about yourself.

Like I said, I’m still a little unclear on how to know the number of followers a blog has so I’ll just share some more I’ve been swooning over lately:

  • A Detailed House This blogger recently had a post on “Adorable Ideas for Kid’s Rooms” and since I’m basically a child at heart still, I fell in love with all the decorating ideas. I really want to live in that armoir cabinet set-up. Seriously. Anyways, this blog has tons of cool photos and ideas for utilizing space and sprucing up rooms of the house. I recommend taking a gander if that peaks your curiosity in the slightest because it’s awesome. Plus, the simple settings of the bedrooms really kicked my butt into room cleaning mode. I can’t handle the clutter and I’m determined to make it more basic and tidy!
  • All The Books I Can Read is yet another book lover blog I follow. One of my favorite things about her blog is that she has “Top Ten Tuesday” posts! I love lists, and while I have an impossible time trying to narrow things down, she always posts concise lists with cool topics (like Top Ten Book Quotes, today.) The list meme is actually hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, come to find out, so there’s another cool blog to explore.
  • Be Lighter is a fun little style blog. I love the spurts of celeb’s street style posts that are short and sweet.
  • Sally’s Baking Addiction So seriously? I’m sure she has more than 200 followers because who could resist her mouth-watering pretty entries? Sally probably thinks I’m crazy because I’m always leaving comments about how I have to try what she’s baking and how delicious everything looks but it’s the truth. The pictures are pretty, the recipes are sweet. (I love anything that mentions cake batter or funfetti, and there’s a lot of that! So if that sounds up you’re ally don’t miss her blog!)

Now onto five random facts about me, which let me say this reminds me of playing the “fun facts” game back during our pre-recruitment weeks at Florida State.

  1. I won a gold medal in a hula hooping contest when I was twelve.
  2. I dyed my hair red (really red) sophomore year of high school. It didn’t strike me until later that this was kind of an Angela Chase move.
  3. My friend and I were sitting in the backseat of a car that got put on a tow truck, one time.
  4. Twitter might be the coolest/worst thing to happen to the YA Fiction loving part of me.  Now I can tweet and get instantaneous responses from my favorite authors I used to send spastic fan-mail e-mails.
  5. I started journaling in first grade, and have kept it up (even if sometimes the entries are sporadic,) ever since.

So, there you go. I know this is a bit repetitive (at least there was a twist this time,) but I had to reciprocate because it was flattering for Jacki to include me in her nominations. If you feel like sharing any random facts about yourself in the comments, go for it! I love hearing those 🙂 and definitely check out these blogs!

4 thoughts on “Liebster Award Dos

  1. Meg!! Thank you SO much! I don’t think you are crazy at all! I love hearing from you and reading your genuine comments. This seriously puts a huge smile on my face! If you ever have any requests for recipes, let me know. I love hearing from readers just like you. 🙂 xoxo

  2. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award « Meg Says

  3. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award « Meg Says

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