Just Do It

One of my favorite pages on Facebook, Distant Runners posted this image recently and I just think it’s great:

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but this season I joined a training group that meets on Monday nights to gear up for the Springtime Tallahassee 10K. It’s been a great experience, and has given me the opportunity to meet so many new people. Prior to this the only time I’d run with others was on race days. There’s something special about hitting the road with a group. I find myself exerting more energy into the hills, picking up my pace, and I love being able to keep up a conversation when we’re running. I swear it’s what’s been shaving time off my 5K results lately. Unfortunately the past two weeks, I missed the group run. It’s crazy how much a difference it made in my week. Even throughout the day when I’m feeling sluggish and tired and would really rather go shopping or home to take a nap, when I pull into the parking lot of the park my stomach gets all full of butterflies with nervous excitement. You never know who you’ll see or what the run will have in store.

Yesterday, I finally made it back out there. Even though I was like ehh I don’t know, some of my normal running buddies lately wouldn’t be there, and I really took it easy last week so I knew the last long group run would be tough. The intermediates were going to run 5.5 miles, but I ended up running with a woman I’d met a few weeks ago, who also missed last week, and oh my gosh it was one of my favorite runs in so long. She really pushed me. We were keeping up with what’s normally my 10K race pace, and after a turn off we missed a turn and ended up tacking on extra mileage (we knew where we were so we just took a long way back to the park.) She was so encouraging on the hills, and it was really nice to have someone to chat with. It just reinforced all the reasons of why I go out there. And it felt so good to dominate that run. Plus, she works at the hospital and told me a crazy story about another woman we were running with in the beginning. Apparently she was her patient when she had BYPASS surgery a year and a half ago! She’s not even fifty! And you should see her run! She’s so healthy and fit, and it just blows my mind that she went through that so recently. (And it’s also scary to be reminded that sometimes it doesn’t matter how healthy or in shape you are, some kind of sickness can still attack.) It was just so inspiring to see and know.

Next week is our taper week and a little celebration leading up the race on Saturday. I’ll be disappointed when this group comes to a close! They announced that they’re starting up a Trailblazers group though that will run out at the Greenway (remember all those photos at sunset I used to post?) That area kicks my butt on runs, but I should probably suck it up and face the challenge.

Anyway, if you’re a runner (or if you’re not and you wanna get into it) if you’re feeling sluggish or slackerish just remember how good it feels when you get out there and do it. Happy Tuesday y’all and happy running!

Treats and Treehouses

Remember how I was so excited to visit Orlando a few weekends ago, and hang out with some of my favorite people? Well, the trip did not disappoint! I couldn’t have asked for a better time full of fun friends, laughter, treats and tree houses.

I got there in record time on Friday evening (no speeding!) and JD gave me the grand tour. Their home is so lovely and cozy, and they’re like real grown ups ya know? So proud! We ate pizza and watched the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics, and Tony and JD offered a lot of entertaining commentary. Saturday morning we were all up early, finishing touches on snacks for the housewarming, last-minute errands (Total Wine before 10am? sure! ha) and I even had time to squeeze in a run in their adorable neighborhood of Winter Park. We played all day long, so many great conversations, time with some old friends I haven’t gotten to see in a while, and I made some new friends too! I mean what’s better than falling asleep tired and happy after a fabulous day? Sunday (after another morning run – I couldn’t get enough of those endless flat sidewalks, cute dogs, and pretty houses. Plus, a quick little stop by Einstein’s and they had my favorite – blueberry bagel with strawberry smear!) went on a little riding tour of the nearby neighborhoods (English Gardens Wedding Venue?! eek!,) wandered around over by Rollins browsing all the fun home decor stores, and brunched at Dexter’s (which has been on my to-do list forever!) Afterward we lazed around the house a bit, chatting life stuff and savoring our last bit of time together. Hopefully it’s not too long before another visit! It was just the rejuvenating weekend I was in desperate need of.

Since they were such a hit last time I made the chocolate covered coconut macaroons again. (Recipe post here.)

Mmm, Welch’s Guava Pineapple Juice + Champagne = delicious!


Funfetti fudge! (Recipe here.)

And I tried out this new creation I found in a sweet recipe book from my mom. French toast cupcakes, maple frosting, topped with bacon bits!

While JD helped me frost the cupcakes, and taught me how to make cornbread pudding. Too bad we can’t cook together all the time!

Excited to go greet Ash!

So excited to spend some quality time with Ash!

The awesome hosts!

Jodie Q! (And I love the sunflower in the Cheer Wine bottle – I did the same thing in my bathroom at home. BFFLs think a-like!)

By the pool they were so proud of assembling!

Group shot at the table.

It had been wayyy too long. Love these girls!

And now to one of my favorite parts: the tree house! You could see from the kitchen that the next door neighbors had an awesome tree house in their backyard, with a rock climbing wall, slide, balcony and Alice in Wonderland door. It was kind of a secret mission in my head to check out before the weekend was over, so I was basically ELATED when the neighbor invited us over to play on it! Literally squeals of excitement, and a race to the backyard ensued.

With David, climbing up the sweet rope ladder.

The cool door!

Can you tell how happy we were to be up there?!

With Meg on the balcony!

Someone took this next door, Rochelle and I playing on the balcony.

Tree house love with Rochelle and Drew.

My new favorite British friend, Alex.

Now that Brum gets to explore outside all the time, he’s like a new sweet kitty! (I don’t have to be in fear of his sneak attacks anymore!)

Plaid twins! ❤

Sweet giant suitcase desk.

Making himself at home!



Blueberry mimosa!

real laughing.


wall art I liked.


Eggs Benedict. Delicious!



Group Love!

Trio! 🙂